Deutsch English Magyar Romana





The company covers a broad range of activity fields, so that every customer who walks our threshold could derive advantages both from our expertise in the field and from our experience.




Kovacs & Associates Law Firm was founded in 2008 based on the specialized knowlegde and experience of the two founding members.

In order to serve a wider range of customers the company has improved itself in providing legal advice also in English and Hungarian.

At the beginning the company’s activities were limited to civil and commercial law. Later the company expanded its activities also covering the following fields: criminal law, family law, administrative law, intellectual property, labor law, international commercial law and commercial arbitration.
During the years, with the expeding our activities, the number of clients and our success grew much at the professional level, in terms of attracting new partners and practitioners, with whom the company still works today.

The principles that underlie all activities are professionalism, loyalty, confidentiality of the information provided, efficiency and timeliness with which any request is satisfied, firmness in the giving advice and taking decisions.

Our goal is to treat the customer as a business partner, to try to prevent any legal problems by prior advice given to them and to try to solve client problems through alternative and amicable ways, litigation procedures of the courts being a last resort.




The office of the company is situated in Oradea, 6/4 G.Enescu Street, Bihor County, in the centre of the town, near the local courts of justice.
Being located in downtown it is easily accessible, it’s close to the hotels in town and it’s about 10 minutes from Airport Oradea.;



"Congnoscibilia cognitionem gignunt, non cognitione gignuntur"